Angels Rest Engagement Shoot by Christa-Taylor, Portland wedding photographer
Marriage will change you. If approached correctly, you will become the best version of yourself through the “iron sharpening iron” effect of living with your closest friend. Yes, they are your friend but they are also your lover, your counselor, your confident, your sounding board, the voice of reason, the anchor within the storm, and often – the truth you need to hear.
Together you have committed to walk through life hand in hand through every obstacle, even the ones our own hearts and selfishness create.
But that is part of the beauty of it. The places of decay in our hearts must be taught to blossom, and it usually requires pruning. If done right, Marriage is the best, most painful, most romantic “pruning” you can imagine.
So here’s to another marriage soon to be-
My younger brother Dan (one of my 4 amazing brothers) is now engaged and his fiance’ Kristen, from Alaska, agreed to hike to the top of Angels Rest for this stunning shoot.
Yes, it was freezing. Yes, I am pregnant. Yes, I couldn’t breathe.
It was worth it.
Angels Rest Engagement Shoot by Portland wedding photographer Christa-Taylor.