I love the chemistry between a man and a woman. The romance, the energy, the intimacy-- and when, at their best, they really do pull out greatness in the other. 
  I have experienced many subjects and genres of photography  over the years, but wedding photography always draws me back. The sheer intensity, the 'once in a lifetime' nature of it, and so much diversity in one day. From details (still life), family portraits, documentary photography, food, fashion photography-- Weddings have it all. I believe Simon Sinek said it best: 
"Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion".



I have been married for nigh exactly 6 weeks. Just last night I chipped my tooth in celebration. Nevermind that it was mid-blow in a full-scale pillow fight with my husband. Yes. He is very big and very strong and one heck of a pillowfighter; not to mention the best husband in the world. The […]


Wedding Photos & Chipped Teeth

Talk about easy way to brand. Ditch the nikon or Canon camera strap and order one of these. pronto.  I ordered a custom strap with my logo emblazened across it. Nothing like a little shameless self-promotion eh?? 😉 Yes, it’s pure strap hotness. My friend Andie Haugen is the co-owner and brains behind the HighKey […]


Gear Heads: Camera Straps

Being married has made me a more grateful person. Well, at least I recognize things I took for granted my previous 24 years of single oblivion. I pour a cup of Stumptown and am now much more thankful for those precious beans and the cost of each. Cream for my coffee. Toilet Paper. Air Conditioning. […]


A Cup of Stumptown Joe

Ben has that rare quality about him that makes you feel instantly comfortable. Confident, poised, mature (and with great taste) he chilled his way through our shoot effortlessly. We chose an awesome site in the Pearl district, scouted by my amazing husbone, and moved to Sherman Clay’s Pianos for some piano work afterwards. Thank you […]


HighSchool Hotties: Ben Edmonds

She was soft and reserved, the soft pink color rising naturally to her cheeks. Wary of new guys she wasn’t intending to meet anyone at work…but something about him…what was it? Terrence knew he wanted Ashley as his own, and with his typical confidence and panache he pursued and wore down her defenses. You can […]


Terrance + Ashley: Ponzi Vineyards Wedding

I have had the incredible privilege of shooting 2 other Elzinga family weddings. Naomi Elzinga was married last July and Kim Elzinga the following September. I love when I have the opportunity to get to know these families and enter one of the most sacred of family moments. Jennifer contacted me a few months back […]


Jenn & Ryan

When Dorene Vandermeer asked me to join this shoot- I nearly dropped a plate. Yes, please! The crew from Craftsy.com flew out from Denver to shoot Dorene in her element. The footage would later be part of their online workshops. I was lucky enough to brought along to photograph the “bride” modeling the designs featured. […]


Craftsy & Unveiled

  What does photogenic even mean anyways? “Hi I’m Christa, I”m going to teach you how to be genic in photos” hmm. While we all stroke our chins and puzzle that one out, here’s a few tips ladies from the not-so-expert. 1. Breathe through your mouth. Simple but very effective, relaxes the mouth and let’s […]


How to be Photo-genic

We had 40 minutes to take this shot. The sun was setting, everthing was running behind and I had to get to another shoot right afterwards. Charity put on the va voom and voila- I snapped this photo with my trusty D700 and 85 1.4 Thanks for the love Charity!   Read the Post at […]


Hot Shot of the Day: CT Featured in POSE mag

I’m in process of planning my 3rd fashion shoot of the month and thought a few notes would be helpful to 1) sort my own befuddled brain and 2) help launching fashion designers or artists understand the process. Caviat- most of what I’ve learned is from my favorite institution, the school of hard knocks. I’ve […]


How to Build a Fashion Shoot



Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way. 


WHY we're the perfect match

"Christa, you are such a delight to work with. You bring so much energy and direction to a photo shoot. The photographs you take, are truly a reflection of your talent and passion in photography."

"you bring so much energy
and direction to a photo shoot...."

Ken & Jessica

"Christa is incredible. She really gets to know you, makes you feel comfortable and takes fabulous photos. Christa took our engagement photos, did a boudoir photo shoot for kate and did our wedding. We couldn't be happier with her.

"Christa is professional, fun, creative and in touch with her clients. She makes everyone look and feel beautiful. We could not be happier with her and her work."

"we couldn't be happier with her


Long before I was engaged, I knew I wanted Christa Taylor Photography to capture the special moments of my wedding. She more than met our expectations, and seldom a month goes by without somebody telling us how gorgeous our wedding pictures turned out! 
 Working with Christa is like finding some awesome girlfriend who completely gets you and can show you the beauty in whatever project you're undertaking. I recommend her to every bride I work with! Thank you, Christa, for your incredible work!

"Christa is like finding some awesome
girlfriend who completely gets you..."

Cassie & Jed

Christa is absolutely PHENOMENAL! My husband and I are beyond blessed to have had her capture our day! She was so great at directing people kindly and having fun too! She's a blast and we enjoyed the day more because of her! We loved getting to know her and she even had us to her home the week after our wedding for a brief photo shoot since the weather had been bad on the wedding day...she really went above and WAY beyond the call of a photographer and became our friend! She's the type we'd schedule a photo shoot with simply to see her and catch up!! Her baby is the cutest most joyful girl just like her momma! 💕There are not words to reccomend Christa highly enough! 💕We love you Christa!!



Aura captured the wonders of our day. Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the. 

"felt surrounded the allure
of grace every single second."