I love the chemistry between a man and a woman. The romance, the energy, the intimacy-- and when, at their best, they really do pull out greatness in the other. 
  I have experienced many subjects and genres of photography  over the years, but wedding photography always draws me back. The sheer intensity, the 'once in a lifetime' nature of it, and so much diversity in one day. From details (still life), family portraits, documentary photography, food, fashion photography-- Weddings have it all. I believe Simon Sinek said it best: 
"Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion".



This shoot was designed for Lydia Wager and her senior collection- it’s beautiful work. So chic, romantic- I want to steal a dress for my private usage ;P When Lydia and I brainstormed over coffee she communicated she was looking for a ballerina inspired, natural lit setting – talk about gorgeous. Gorgeous work from model […]


Fashion is a Beautimous Thing

I love the look and feel of this entire shoot- I can’t wait to show some of the finished product featuring local designer Lydia Wagner.


Behind the Scenes: Bridal Fashion

  While it may be argued that texting is a bane to society and incredibly unprofitable, I do believe there is another side to this debate. Being productive is good. Very good. Yes, you may enjoy reading or blogging or folding or biking or running errands or brainstorming instead…but is life on warp speed so […]


The Case for Slow

This coming Monday, a mere 3 days away (nobody panic), I will be shooting the first major fashion shoot of the season. Ballerina inspiration, smoke machine, fantastic hair/makeup crew, gorgeous fashion, what’s not to like? eeek. oh yea, I’m nervous. Tis true, under that kick-butt, cool-as-a-cucumber exterior, I’m nervous. EVERY time. But as a wise […]


Fashion and Butterflies

There is a little bit of photo-journalist in each of us (unless I’m making a huge generalization, which…I probably am). Regardless of your photo-journalistic tendancies, weddings pose the single, most-frequent, opportunity for you to tell a story.  It’s a real, live, love story happening right before your eyes. Sound overly romantic? A bit, yes. But […]


Why You Love Shooting Weddings

I love it when the groom-to-be is into taking photos and sharing the moment. Michael was exactly that. Or maybe it was Jen’s winsome and flirtatious eyelashes that had him happy as a clam. I haven’t decided (I’m not  very good at making up my mind). “he thought I was really cute” Jen confided over […]


St Johns Engagement: Michael and Jen

::munching on popcorn::   I make a purposeful intention to continue dabbling in fashion photography. I say dabble, because prior to portaiture work, I did fashion exclusively. At some point I started shooting pictures of people and less of their clothes. Maybe because there are more people than fashion designers in this world. Who knows? […]


When Fashion and Portraits Collide

Do you ever get that non-sensical urge to photograph a certain person? And no, we’re not talking celebrities here. Just normal, ordinarily fabulous people. Kate Carmack was that for me, a long-standing friend, she had moved to DC to serve in the white house as their event coordinator. Um yes. I did just say the […]


Muse: Kate Carmack

HA. In 9 weeks I’ll be Mrs. Dan Gutschenritter. Good Lord, I think God had a sense of humor in bestowing me with such a voluminous last name. I mean really people- I used to tout to my family how I would never marry someone with a last name that uses half the English alphabet. […]


9 Weeks…And Counting

Sometimes you forget how fast life goes. Woop- you fly through another week, another month, another birthday. Well this little guy has no clue how fast time flies…yet. And he reminds me to take a breather, sit down, and just hold a few wiggling fingers and kiss a few soft cheeks. Besides, what’s more inspiring […]


A Taylor newbie: Aunty again!



Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way. 


WHY we're the perfect match

"Christa, you are such a delight to work with. You bring so much energy and direction to a photo shoot. The photographs you take, are truly a reflection of your talent and passion in photography."

"you bring so much energy
and direction to a photo shoot...."

Ken & Jessica

"Christa is incredible. She really gets to know you, makes you feel comfortable and takes fabulous photos. Christa took our engagement photos, did a boudoir photo shoot for kate and did our wedding. We couldn't be happier with her.

"Christa is professional, fun, creative and in touch with her clients. She makes everyone look and feel beautiful. We could not be happier with her and her work."

"we couldn't be happier with her


Long before I was engaged, I knew I wanted Christa Taylor Photography to capture the special moments of my wedding. She more than met our expectations, and seldom a month goes by without somebody telling us how gorgeous our wedding pictures turned out! 
 Working with Christa is like finding some awesome girlfriend who completely gets you and can show you the beauty in whatever project you're undertaking. I recommend her to every bride I work with! Thank you, Christa, for your incredible work!

"Christa is like finding some awesome
girlfriend who completely gets you..."

Cassie & Jed

Christa is absolutely PHENOMENAL! My husband and I are beyond blessed to have had her capture our day! She was so great at directing people kindly and having fun too! She's a blast and we enjoyed the day more because of her! We loved getting to know her and she even had us to her home the week after our wedding for a brief photo shoot since the weather had been bad on the wedding day...she really went above and WAY beyond the call of a photographer and became our friend! She's the type we'd schedule a photo shoot with simply to see her and catch up!! Her baby is the cutest most joyful girl just like her momma! 💕There are not words to reccomend Christa highly enough! 💕We love you Christa!!



Aura captured the wonders of our day. Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the. 

"felt surrounded the allure
of grace every single second."